Established in 2018, Impact Mental Performance is a company focused on creating sustainable confidence in your sport and life.
What Is Impact?
Watch a short video about us below.
We’ve Worked With Clients From These Organizations:

About Sean
Sean Ullrich is an MPM Certified Mental Performance coach out of St. Louis, Missouri. He currently serves as the Director of Mental Performance for the Mckendree University Baseball Team in Lebannon, Illinois. Ullrich is a former college baseball player who currently works with high school, college, and professional athletes on developing their own mental routines to clear their mind and play their best.
Our Mission
To equip our athletes with mental skills for life! We believe that talent and physical repetition only get you so far. It will ultimately be your mental make-up that separates you from your competition. We take a creative and individualized approach to every athlete, to get you at your best.

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